Saturday, May 05, 2007

The Value of Mentors

Dear Gary and Missy,

What can we say? You guys are just plain awesome. You're humble. You're sincere. You're real.

We laughed with you. We shared funny stories about mutual friends. And to top it all off, you invested in us. You mentored us.

We believe the most important business principle is to love people without any expectations. When we don’t expect anything in return, we understand what it means to love unconditionally. And when we understand what it means to love unconditionally, we discover the true meaning of community.

Thank you both for exemplifying this principle. You shared your lives and experiences with us. We feel blessed to know you, and we look forward to many more evenings of laughter and shared ideas!



Blogger || davidjay || said...

Keepers rule! LOL... :)

May 06, 2007 1:57 PM  

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