Tuesday, September 25, 2007


"The only real independent and genuine gentlemen in the world go quietly up and down the Mississippi River, asking no homage of anyone, seeking no popularity, no notoriety, and not caring a damn whether school keeps or not."
— Mark Twain, 1856.

Before Mark and I went into business together with our spouses, Erin and Rachel, we were both photographers at The Commercial Appeal, the daily newspaper in Memphis, Tenn.

When we were working there in 1999, Alan Spearman and Lance Murphey, also photographers at the Commercial Appeal, were just starting to work on a film about a man who lived navigating the waters of the Mississippi River in an inflatable raft.

After and unbelievable number of hours shooting, editing, re-editing and polishing, the film is complete. "Nobody," is a touching true story about the unique people we often overlook in our busy lives. It's a true work of craftmanship, and it's amazing that this is their first film.

You can support these independent filmmakers by purchasing the DVD. A portion of each purchase will be donated to the First Presbyterian Chruch (Memphis) soup kitchen.

We're proud of you, Lance and Alan! Congratulations on nearing the end of the journey.


Blogger m-r-schuhmann said...

This guy was on Dr. Phil yesterday. They hammered him.

September 28, 2007 9:56 AM  

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