Thursday, September 11, 2008

ShootQ at Pictage PartnerCon!

We had a great time connecting with so many ShootQ community members and new friends at Pictage PartnerCon in Los Angeles last week! Thanks to everyone who stopped by to say hello and check out a sneak peek of ShootQ version2!

It was fun to be next to our friends at ShootDotEdit as you can see below!

The 1000-watt glowing "Q-Ball" brightened the entire tradeshow floor!

Who is that masked man? It's Garrett Delph. Oh, and there's DotMan too...


Katie Humphreys (and her husband Chris) gave a great presentation about getting organized in your biz.


ShootQ Genius Will Godfrey shares the first public screencasts of ShootQ version 2.


TimCo is wowed by version 2. Can't you tell?


Andrew and Rachel really just want to BE DotMan.


ShootQ shares the love with DotMan.

This post originally appeared on the ShootQ blog on September 11, 2008.
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